Friday, 8 November 2019

Jembisa Bush Home, Vaalwater.

Jembisa Bush Home - online booking.

Type:  Curio Shop, Lodge
Description: A small and stylish bush home in it’s own private wildlife reserve offering a unique safari experience that is a perfect blend of adventure and comfort. Dining at Jembisa is always an occasion enjoyed in a wide variety of locations such as bush brunches, al fresco breakfasts on the verandah, luxury picnic lunches, dinners under the stars, camp fire suppers and many more. Included are all meals, drinks, wildlife activities, babysitting and laundry.
Bed capacity: 5 en-suite bedrooms
On-site activities: Dining at Jembisa is always an occasion enjoyed in a wide variety of locations such as bush brunches, al fresco breakfasts on the verandah, luxury picnic lunches, dinners under the stars, camp fire suppers and many more.
Postal address: PO Box 162, Vaalwater, 0530
Cell: 082 570 8474 / 083 438 1166

More about Vaalwater.